
To start anew...

It was the same old, day after day. She cannot even remember when the last time she actually smiled honestly. While the mortals on the Earth realm believed that Heaven was the best place to go after death... Serenity smiled sardonically to herself... it was not actually so.

While, yes, it was much, much better in terms of weather ('If there even was weather in the first place,' Serenity thinks to herself), clothing, and so forth... the social hierarchy was not all that different from any other realms. Lesser Angels were "jokingly" picked on, and everyone acted as if things were fine and dandy.

Quite frankly, she was sick of it. And heck, she was one of those Angels that were 'in-betweens' - neither here nor there, so no one would notice if she turned and left.

Which she did, walking in her own pace to her realm in-between Heaven and Hell.

Blood runs cold in Hell.

Demi paused before the gates of hell. If someone told him nowadays that hell was hot and fiery he would tell them they were fucking crazy. The demon was bloody cold, not a damn jacket, heater, or fur patch on him could remove the cold from his body.

Then again, standing in three feet of frozen snow awaiting this almighty Lucifer was getting mighty old. There was no fucking way Demi was going to stand here in the cold for another fucking decade.Fucking hell. Screw this. I am fucking out of here.

Placing his feet firmly into place he gripped the gate bars and tugged hard. Creaking would be and understatement to the sounds the thing made.

With enough room to get out Demi wormed through the gap and ascended upwards into what is know in Hell as purgatory... The Mortal Realm -- Earth.