
Blood runs cold in Hell.

Demi paused before the gates of hell. If someone told him nowadays that hell was hot and fiery he would tell them they were fucking crazy. The demon was bloody cold, not a damn jacket, heater, or fur patch on him could remove the cold from his body.

Then again, standing in three feet of frozen snow awaiting this almighty Lucifer was getting mighty old. There was no fucking way Demi was going to stand here in the cold for another fucking decade.Fucking hell. Screw this. I am fucking out of here.

Placing his feet firmly into place he gripped the gate bars and tugged hard. Creaking would be and understatement to the sounds the thing made.

With enough room to get out Demi wormed through the gap and ascended upwards into what is know in Hell as purgatory... The Mortal Realm -- Earth.

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